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- Kindly check the haircut, uniform, punctuality of your ward in the morning.
- Parents are requested to also inculcate in their child, the habit of packing the school bag daily at night according to the time table for the following day.
- No half day or short leaves will be granted during school hours.
- Appointments with doctors, dentists etc. must not be arranged during school hours.
- If your wards has been absent from school, he must make up for all the work he has missed.
- Child will not be allowed to leave with any relative or neighbor in case of an early leave or after school.
- Parents are requested to make the child regular to school as a special certificate will be awarded to students with 100% attendance.
- Students who have been on leave for more than 5 days due to illness will have to submit a Medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner at the time of rejoining the school.
- Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 5 consecutive days render the students liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only at the direction of the Principal.
- Encourage your child to take interest in co-curricular activities & sports for all round development of your ward.